Sobriety Series | episode 1 | the intro pt. 2

Thanks for tuning back in! I’m going to be talking about sobriety. This is probably going to be that hardest part for me to talk about, because it still feels REAL. And it is. And it’s about not having an outlet anymore. I think we don’t really think about emotions + feelings kind of coming out throughout the day. We typically kick those with a cocktail or a beer, maybe once or twice a week. That’s enough for people, or maybe it’s a little more than that. For me, the hardest part of being sober were months 1-3. These new feelings would come into play! WHAT ARE THESE?! Because you don’t feel them when your drinking as much. Even if you’re drinking very little, not even to deal with these feelings (specifically), that didn’t matter. I didn’t know these were really something that needed to be addressed until after I was sober. So it’s interesting, because these feelings + emotions don’t go away. I’d wake up the next day and they’re still there. And wake up the next day, they’re STILL there. You kind of go crazy a little bit. You’re wondering, “How the hell am I going to get these thoughts out of my head? Why do I keep thinking this and feeling this way?” It starts to make you think differently. You realize you have to discover ways to healthily deal and adapt with these feelings + thoughts. That was the most challenging thing, probably IS the most challenging thing about being sober for me thus far.

Thanks for tuning back in! I’m going to be talking about sobriety. This is probably going to be that hardest part for me to talk about, because it still feels REAL. And it is. And it’s about not having an outlet anymore. I think we don’t really think about emotions + feelings kind of coming out throughout the day. We typically kick those with a cocktail or a beer, maybe once or twice a week. That’s enough for people, or maybe it’s a little more than that. For me, the hardest part of being sober were months 1-3. These new feelings would come into play! WHAT ARE THESE?! Because you don’t feel them when your drinking as much. Even if you’re drinking very little, not even to deal with these feelings (specifically), that didn’t matter. I didn’t know these were really something that needed to be addressed until after I was sober. So it’s interesting, because these feelings + emotions don’t go away. I’d wake up the next day and they’re still there. And wake up the next day, they’re STILL there. You kind of go crazy a little bit. You’re wondering, “How the hell am I going to get these thoughts out of my head? Why do I keep thinking this and feeling this way?” It starts to make you think differently. You realize you have to discover ways to healthily deal and adapt with these feelings + thoughts. That was the most challenging thing, probably IS the most challenging thing about being sober for me thus far.