Sobriety Series | episode 3 | no hangovers

Can we talk about not waking up with a hangover?  It’s something you don’t really think about when you’re sober, because it just doesn’t occur! (When sober) You think about all these things you’re doing really well, how much of an impact it’s made, lots of cool things. I forget that it’s the littlest things that are so impactful. 

I have a bottle of tequila alternative and whenever I start to drink it, I still think I’m going to wake up with a hangover. Those neural pathways are still engrained. I’m still conditioned to believe that if I drink another one, I’ll regret it. I was just drinking from my bottle of tequila alternative nights ago in a social setting and I started feeling this anxious energy move through me. So, when taking a closer look as to why I was feeling anxious, I realized I was getting anxiety over feeling like sh*t in the morning. Good news, Jess! You’re not going to feel like sh*t drinking zero proof. 

Little did I also know, I used to take this anxiety with me to sleep after a night of drinking. When I was drinking, I would wake up freaking exhausted. When I did manage to get out of bed, I felt like crap. I didn’t want to wake up. I didn’t feel alive. There wasn’t a lot of motivation. There was a lack of self control. To me, it feels a bit foggy, like a heavy fog that resides in your body as well as your head. When I would check in with my body, it’d feel really awful. 

Sobriety has been awesome. I no longer have mornings with these terrible thoughts + feelings, body + mind fogginess. Being sober, I wake up each morning feeling fully alive. I’m ready for what the day is going to bring. It’s exciting!

Continue to episode 4 | clarity